RHS Members’ Seed Scheme

Access to the RHS Seed Scheme is a fantastic benefit of RHS Membership. Members may order up to 10 packets of seed which has been harvested from RHS Gardens.

  • Our seed is collected from open-pollinated plants, therefore it may be hybridised
  • Please note that this year orders can only be sent to addresses in the UK. Due to the change in regulations that govern the sending of plant material overseas, we are currently not able to offer RHS seed to our EU members. There is a charge of £10.00, which helps us to cover our costs for seed collection, admin and postage. We will review this situation annually and if the regulations are simplified we hope to be able to offer this membership benefit once more
  • Please note only one packet of any one number can be supplied

Annuals and biennials

Agrostemma githago (corncockle)

Easy to Grow

An upright annual to 75cm, with narrow grey-green leaves and open funnel-shaped magenta-purple flowers 5cm across in summer

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Alcea rosea (hollyhock)

A biennial or short-lived perennial with long racemes of open funnel-shaped flowers in pink, purple, red, white or yellow

Colour: various  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Amaranthus caudatus (love-lies-bleeding)

Easy to Grow

A bushy, erect annual or biennial, with large ovate leaves and drooping, crimson tassel-like racemes of tiny flowers in summer and autumn

Colour: red  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Amaranthus caudatus 'Viridis' (love-lies-bleeding 'Viridis')

Easy to Grow

A bushy annual, with large ovate leaves and drooping lime green tassel-like racemes of tiny flowers in summer and autumn. The seedheads provide food for birds. Large enough to make an architectural feature, the flowers can be used for fresh or dried arrangements

Colour: green  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Amaranthus cruentus (purple amaranth)

Easy to Grow

An upright annual with ovate mid-green leaves and attractive deep red branched flower spikes over the summer months. Popular with flower arrangers

Colour: red  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Ammi majus (false bishop's weed)

An upright annual with 2–3 pinnate leaves and umbels of small white flowers in summer

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Atriplex hortensis var. rubra (red mountain spinach)

Easy to Grow

An edible erect annual to 1m or more, with slightly succulent, ovate, deep red-purple leaves to 15cm in length, and tall dense racemes of tiny flowers of similar colouring

Colour: red, purple  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Calendula officinalis (common marigold)

Easy to Grow

A fast growing annual or biennial with aromatic leaves and heads of vivid orange daisy-like flowers, borne in long succession over the summer and autumn until the first hard frosts

Colour: orange  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Carum carvi (caraway)

An upright biennial with aromatic, 2 to 3 pinnate leaves divided into linear segments, and umbels of small white flowers in summer, followed by strongly aromatic fruits

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Centaurea cyanus (cornflower)

Easy to Grow

An upright annual with solitary deep blue flowers in late spring and summer

Colour: blue  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Cleome houtteana (spider flower)

Easy to Grow

A tall, upright annual to 1.5m with large, palmate, dark green leaves (which are aromatic and sticky) on spiny stems. Strongly scented, white, pink or purple flowers are produced in broad, terminal spikes in summer

Colour: various  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Coreopsis tinctoria (dyer's tickseed)

Easy to Grow

An upright, fast-growing annual with daisy-like bright yellow flowerheads with red centres, borne on branching stems from summer to autumn

Colour: yellow, red  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Cosmos bipinnatus (cosmea)

Easy to Grow

A tall, free-flowering annual with very fine, fern-like foliage and saucer-shaped flowers in shades of pink and white

Colour: pink, white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Cosmos sulphureus (yellow cosmos)

Easy to Grow

A half-hardy annual with fresh, fern-like foliage and a long flowering season. Selections are variable in height, most between 50cm and 1m, but including some dwarf forms. Flower colour is varied, in many tones of yellow, orange and red

Colour: orange  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Daucus carota (wild carrot)

A tap-rooted biennial with a solid stem 75cm in height, bearing white umbels, tinged with pink in bud and sometimes in flower, from June to September. After flowering, these turn inwards giving the appearance of delicate baskets

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Digitalis purpurea (common foxglove)

Easy to Grow

A striking biennial with tall spires of pendant flowers in pink, purple or white. Great for bees

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Digitalis purpurea f. albiflora (white-flowered foxglove)

Easy to Grow

A biennial or short-lived perennial, with softly hairy leaves and tall, one-sided spires of pendant, tubular, creamy-white flowers 6cm long. Please be aware that foxgloves are very good at hybridising so we cannot guarantee that all our seed will produce white flowered digitalis. Inspecting the central back vein of seedlings for a clear vein will indicate white flowering individuals. Any purple or pink colouration can then be discarded.

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Dipsacus fullonum (common teasel)

Easy to Grow

A biennial with bright green prickly foliage. Flowerheads are stiffly bristly and the flowers are tiny and blue, appearing in a band round the flowerhead. Plant remains intact throughout winter, and seedheads attract goldfinches

Colour: brown, green  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Eccremocarpus scaber (Chilean glory flower)

A fast-growing, slender, evergreen perennial climber that can be grown as an annual. Clinging by tendrils, it has pinnate leaves and terminal clusters of tubular, reddish-orange flowers 2.5cm in length, from late spring to autumn

Colour: red, orange  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 2.5-4m

Echium plantagineum (purple viper's bugloss)

Easy to Grow

A hairy-leaved, rosette-forming annual or biennial to 75cm, often seen growing wild in south west England. In summer it produces funnel-shaped, purple flowers; these emerge from pink buds

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Eryngium giganteum (Miss Willmott's ghost)

A biennial sea holly with steel blue flowers and silvery white bracts, which fade to light brown and stand through the winter

Colour: silver  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Fibigia clypeata (Roman shields)

Fibigia clypeata is a perennial plant that can reach up to 60 cm in height. It features small yellow flowers that bloom in the summer, although these flowers have limited ornamental impact. The plant is more notable for its felted silvery stems and seed pods which provide visual interest during the winter. The seed pods are flat and elliptic, and they open to reveal golden-brown flat seeds.

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Glebionis segetum (corn marigold)

Easy to Grow

An upright annual with slightly fleshy leaves and solitary, bright yellow, daisy-like flowerheads in summer. Prefers acid or neutral soil

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5–1m

Lunaria annua (honesty)

A biennial with ovate leaves and violet or white flowers in late spring/early summer. Grown for its distinctive silvery white seed pods

Colour: purple or white  
Sunlight: full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Nicandra physalodes (apple of Peru)

Easy to Grow

An erect, vigorous annual with light blue flowers with a white throat, followed by round berries that are enclosed in an attractive green/purple calyx

Colour: blue  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Nicotiana langsdorffii (Langsdorff's tobacco plant)

A robust annual 1.5m tall, with sticky, oval leaves to 25cm long forming a basal rosette, and slender panicles of nodding, light green, long-tubed, bell-shaped flowers to 5cm long, opening in the evenings in summer

Colour: pale green  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Nigella damascena (love-in-a-mist)

Easy to Grow

An erect annual with finely-cut, feathery foilage and blue flowers in summer followed by inflated seed pods. The stems and pods can be used in dried flower arrangements

Colour: blue  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Nigella papillosa (papillose-leaved love-in-a-mist)

An upright, bushy annual to 50cm high, with fine, feathery foliage and slender branching stems. Flowers are slightly larger than other species, up to 7cm across, usually in shades of blue and purple, sometimes white, and are followed by decorative goblet-shaped seedheads with starlike styles

Colour: blue, purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Papaver rhoeas (common poppy)

Easy to Grow

An erect annual about 75-90cm tall, with oblong, downy light green leaves to 15cm long, and solitary, bright scarlet, bowl-shaped flowers, sometimes marked black at the petal bases, produced in summer, on short downy stalks

Colour: red  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Papaver somniferum (opium poppy)

Easy to Grow

An annual with glaucous, heart-shaped leaves and large petalled flowers surrounding a decorative, urn-shaped capsule. Flower colours vary from red, pink, purple and near black and may be single or double in form

Colour: various  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Silybum marianum (milk thistle)

A robust biennial forming a rosette of large, spiny dark green leaves with prominent white veins, and with purple flower-heads with spiny bracts, in the second year

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Tagetes mixed (French marigold)

A compact, bushy annual to 30cm tall and wide with aromatic, deeply-divided leaves and single or double flowerheads in shades of yellow, orange, red or brown from summer into early autumn

Colour: yellow to red  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Xerochrysum bracteatum (everlasting flower)

An upright annual with lance-shaped leaves and flowerheads to 8cm across, in white or shades of yellow, pink and red, in summer and autumn

Colour: various  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Bulbs, corms & tubers

PLEASE NOTE:  you will receive seeds rather than bulbs. The flowering time from seed is significantly longer than from a bulb.

Camassia leichtlinii subsp. Suksdorfii Caralea Group (camass Caerulea Group)

A tall clump-forming bulbous perennial with long, linear leaves and star-shaped blue flowers in racemes on erect stems in late spring

Colour: blue  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Camassia meadow mix (quamash)

A clump-forming bulbous perennial, growing to 80cm tall, with long, narrow basal leaves. In late spring and early summer, upright stems bear a dense spike of star-shaped blue flowers, up to 7cm across

Colour: blue, purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Cardiocrinum giganteum (giant Himalayan lily)

A perennial to 2m in height, with leaves to 30cm across, and terminal racemes of fragrant, trumpet-shaped white flowers marked with purple within the mouth. Please note this can take 7 years to flower from seed

Colour: White and purple  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Crocus mixed (early crocus)

Dwarf, deciduous perennials growing from a corm, with linear leaves usually with a silvery central stripe, and goblet-shaped, sometimes fragrant flowers in early spring. These Crocus have been collected from the beautiful display on the Wisley Conifer Lawn and behind the Bowes-Lyon Rose Garden, with flowers in shades of purple, white and yellow

Colour: purple or white or yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1–0.15m

Cyclamen graecum (Greek cyclamen)

A tuberous perennial with velvety leaves and flowers ranging from pink to white, borne from September to October. This is a hardy species for a cold greenhouse

Colour: pink or white  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: Up to 0.1m

Cyclamen hederifolium (ivy-leaved cyclamen)

A tuberous perennial to 12cm, with ivy-shaped leaves patterned with silvery-green, and pink, sometimes fragrant flowers, darker around the mouth, opening before or with the leaves

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: 0.1m

Eucomis comosa (pineapple lily)

Easy to Grow

A bulbous, clump-forming perennial of long, wavy-margined pale green leaves, purple-spotted beneath, with stout, purple-striped, pale green stems to 75cm tall, bearing dense, spike-like racemes to 30cm long, composed of white flowers with purple margins and topped by a rosette of small bracts

Colour: pale green, white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Fritillaria meleagris (snake's head fritillary)

A bulbous perennial to 30cm in height, with lance-shaped, greyish-green leaves and 1-2 nodding, bell-shaped purple flowers, the tepals tessellated with pale pink in a checkerboard fashion. Widely naturalised in Britain, but probably not a true native

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Muscari armeniacum (Armenian grape hyacinth)

A strong-growing bulbous perennial to 20cm in height, with narrow, arching green leaves and erect stems bearing dense spikes of white-tipped, deep violet-blue, egg-shaped flowers 5mm in length in spring

Colour: blue  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Tigridia pavonia (peacock tiger flower)

A bulbous perennial with lance-shaped leaves up to 50cm long, and orange, pink, red, yellow or white flowers up to 15cm across, with three petals and contrasting central markings, produced in succession in summer

Colour: various  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Watsonia mixed (watsonia)

Cormous perennials with erect, linear to narrowly lance-shaped leaves and curved, tubular flowers with spreading lobes, borne in simple or branched spikes. Prefers a light, well-drained soil that does not dry out in summer. Seed has been collected from the South African Meadow at Wisley and may contain a mix of species.

Colour: various  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5–1m


Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (diss grass)

Easy to Grow

A large, perennial clump-forming evergreen ornamental grass forming dense mounds of tough, leathery green leaves, growing to approximately 1m. In late spring and early summer, this plant bears arching stems of feathery drooping white cream or purple flowerheads

Colour: cream, white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Anemanthele lessoniana (pheasant's tail grass)

Easy to Grow

A clump-forming grass with arching leaves which become tinged with red or orange in summer and autumn, and airy arching sprays of pink-brown flowers in late summer

Colour: pink, brown  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Briza maxima (greater quaking grass)

Easy to Grow

An erect annual grass to 60cm, forming a tuft of flat, linear leaves, with panicles of large, flat, ovate, pale yellow spikelets which dangle from slender branches

Colour: green  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Calamagrostis × acutiflora (feather reed grass)

A clump-forming deciduous perennial grass with flat, arching leaves to 90cm in length, and bronze flowering panicles that fade to pale brown

Colour: bronze  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m
Sold out

Calamagrostis brachytricha (Korean feather reed grass)

Forms a clump of glossy green, linear leaves turning yellow in autumn, with feathery plumes of purplish-cream flowers, opening in late summer and early autumn and persisting into the winter

Colour: purple, cream  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Deschampsia cespitosa (tufted hair grass)

An evergreen grass, forming a neat tussock of narrow, leathery, dark green leaves to 60cm long, with feathery panicles of silvery-purple flowers on arching stems in summer

Colour: green, silvery-purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Elymus hystrix (spiny bottlebrush grass)

Easy to Grow

Elymus can be tufted or rhizomatous perennial grasses, with linear, deciduous leaves, sometimes attractively coloured, and flattened flower spikes in summer and autumn

Colour: green  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Eragrostis curvula (African love grass)

Easy to Grow

A deciduous perennial grass forming a dense clump of rough, dark green, linear leaves, with large arching panicles of grey-green spikelets in summer

Colour: green  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Festuca glauca Vill. (blue fescue)

Easy to Grow

Forms small cushions of very fine, inrolled, intensely ice-blue leaves, becoming greener in winter. From late spring to summer it bears narrow, bristly blue-green flower plumes that turn golden-brown

Colour: blue-green  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Lagurus ovatus (hare's tail grass)

Forms a tuft of narrow, arching leaves, with slender stems bearing dense ovoid flower-heads, at first pale green, later pale buff to cream

Colour: cream  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Miscanthus nepalensis (Himalayan fairy grass)

A deciduous ornamental grass to 1m in height with arching, linear green leaves from spring to autumn, often turning bronze in winter. It bears terminal panicles of pale yellow spikelets in summer, forming into yellow seed-heads in autumn, finally turning brown-yellow in winter

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea (purple moor-grass)

A tussocky, deciduous grass with arching, linear leaves that turn yellow in autumn, and fine sprays of small, purplish flowers in summer

Colour: green, purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Panicum virgatum (switch grass)

A deciduous, clump-forming perennial grass, distinguished by its steely blue-green leaf colour. Forms stiff, dense clumps which persist through winter. Flower spikelets tiny, purplish, held in large open panicles

Colour: green, purple  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Pennisetum macrourum (African feather grass)

Easy to Grow

An evergreen perennial grass about 2m tall, making a loose, spreading clump of narrow, linear mid-green leaves, with long, slender, cylindrical, softly bristly, light green flower panicles 30cm long, in late summer and early autumn, the flowers turning pale brown to purple when mature

Colour: green, light brown  
Sunlight: Full Sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Pennisetum orientale (oriental fountain grass)

A clump-forming tufted perennial grass to 60cm in height, with arching, linear leaves and hairy, narrow, grey-mauve panicles 10-14cm in length, like soft bottle-brushes

Colour: grey  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Pennisetum thunbergii (Thunberg fountain grass)

Deciduous, clump-forming perennial grass about 80-90cm tall, with graceful, narrow dark green leaves, turning yellow-gold in autumn. Dark red, fluffy flowerheads, produced from mid summer, on dainty narrow stems, fade to beige with age

Colour: red  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Sesleria autumnalis (autumn moor-grass)

An evergreen perennial grass to 60cm, forming a neat clump of rough, linear yellow-green leaves. Tall, upright panicles of creamy-white flowers appear in the summer, making an excellent base or backdrop for other plants to grow through

Colour: creamy-white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Sporobolus heterolepis (prairie dropseed)

A perennial grass to about 90cm producing a dense clump of narrow, arching, mid-green leaves that produce yellow and orange tones in autumn, then die to pale brown, but remain a feature. The tiny, aromatic flowers are pinky-brown and produced in airy sprays in late summer and early autumn, with the seed heads often persisting into winter

Colour: cream, pink  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Stipa gigantea (golden oats)

A robust, tufted evergreen grass to 2m, with arching linear green leaves. Large panicles of oat-like, airy purplish flowers, maturing to gold, appear in summer and autumn

Colour: gold  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Stipa tenuissima (Mexican feather grass)

Easy to Grow

A deciduous grass with nodding, softly feathery panicles, which billow in the lightest of breezes

Colour: green, cream  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Herbaceous perennials

Acaena saccaticupula (blue goose leaf)

A vigorous, evergreen perennial producing pinnate leaves, to 8cm long, grey-blue with 9-13 leaflets. Spherical white flowerheads are followed by dark red burrs to 2cm across, with pinkish-red spines in midsummer

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.1m

Adenophora pereskiifolia (ladybells)

A herbaceous perennial, up to 1.2m high, with thick, fleshy roots and upright stems bearing whorls of lance-shaped green leaves with coarsely serrated edges. Tall, slender clusters of nodding, funnel-shaped violet blue flowers are produced in summer

Colour: purple, blue  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Agastache rugosa (Korean mint)

Easy to Grow

Clump-forming, herbaceous perennial from 80cm-1.5m in height. The edible leaves have an aniseed flavour and the spikes of purple flowers, produced all summer and into autumn, are very attractive to bees

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Althaea officinalis (marsh mallow)

Easy to Grow

A native, herbaceous perennial with softly hairy, grey-green leaves and stems. Small clusters of saucer-shaped, lilac-pink flowers appear on tall flowering stems from midsummer to early autumn

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Amsonia hubrichtii (Arkansas bluestar)

A herbaceous perennial with narrow leaves and star-like clusters of steely blue flowers in late spring. Good autumn colour

Colour: blue  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Amsonia tabernaemontana var. salicifolia (eastern bluestar)

A clump-forming perennial with many stems bearing small, oval or lance-shaped, dark green leaves. Dense, rounded clusters of pale blue flowers are produced from late spring to midsummer

Colour: blue  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Anemone × hybrida (Chinese anemone)

A tall clump-forming herbaceous perennial with large leaves of three leaflets, and 5-petalled flowers in pink or white in late summer, early autumn

Colour: pink, white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Anemone hupehensis (Japanese anemone)

A clump-forming perennial with toothed leaves and five-petalled flowers, 5-6cm in diameter, borne from summer into autumn on upright stems in varying shades of pink, purple or white

Colour: pink, purple, white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5–1m

Angelica archangelica (angelica)

Easy to Grow

A robust upright perennial, sometimes monocarpic, with 2 or 3 pinnate leaves to 60cm in length, and rounded umbels of light yellow flowers in early summer

Colour: green, white  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Angelica sylvestris (wild angelica)

Easy to Grow

A robust biennial or short-lived perennial with rigid, purple stems and light green, highly-divided leaves up to 60cm long. Rounded umbels of tiny white or pink flowers are produced in late summer and early autumn

Colour: white, pink  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Armeria maritima (thrift)

Easy to Grow

A short, mat-forming, evergreen perennial with small, grass-like leaves. Clusters of flowers in shades of white, pink or red on 15cm stems appear over a long period in late spring and summer

Colour: pink, red, white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Aruncus dioicus (goat's beard)

A clump-forming perennial with fern-like foliage and many small creamy-white flowers in large feathery plumes in late spring to early summer. Prefers moist, humus-rich soil

Colour: cream, white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Asphodeline liburnica (Liburne asphodel)

An upright, clump-forming perennial with bluish-green narrow leaves and spikes of pale yellow star-shaped flowers to 5cm across with green stripes on the back of each petal

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Asphodelus aestivus (asphodel)

A clump-forming perennial, to 1m tall, with broad, linear, thick, leathery leaves. In mid to late spring it bears branched spires of star-shaped, white flowers, sometimes flushed with pink, followed by spherical green seed pods

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Asphodelus albus (white asphodel)

A perennial forming a dense clump of linear leaves, with pink-veined white flowers to 4cm across in simple or branched racemes in late spring

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Astrantia major (greater masterwort)

An erect, clump-forming perennial with 3-5 lobed leaves, and flower stems to 60cm, bearing flower heads in stalked, compound umbels. Clusters of tiny, whitish-green flowers are surrounded by petal-like bracteoles which are whitish, tinged with green and pink, with conspicuous veining

Colour: white, pink  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Baptisia australis (blue false indigo)

A clump-forming perennial, with grey-green leaves and erect, lupin-like racemes of violet-blue flowers, followed by inflated, dark grey pods. Prefers acid or neutral soil

Colour: blue  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Campanula latifolia (giant bellflower)

Easy to Grow

An erect, clump-forming perennial with oval leaves and loose racemes of nodding bell-shaped, violet-blue or white flowers in summer

Colour: blue or white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Cenolophium denudatum (Baltic parsley)

A semi-evergreen, umbellifer, with sometimes purple flowering stems rising from finely-divided dark green leaves and bearing many flat umbels of greenish-white flowers in summer and autumn.

Colour: white, green  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Centaurea nigra (common knapweed)

Easy to Grow

A native, grassland branching perennial about 75-90cm, with simple or pinnately lobed leaves and thistle-like purple flowerheads to 4cm across, with conspicuous blackish bracts

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Cephalaria gigantea (giant scabious)

Easy to Grow

A herbaceous perennial forming a clump of pinnately lobed basal leaves, with tall, branched stems carrying light yellow flowerheads to 6cm across in summer

Colour: yellow, cream  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1.5–2.5m

Chelone obliqua (twisted shell flower)

An erect perennial, with prominently veined and toothed leaves, and compact spikes of dusky deep pink or purple flowers 2cm long

Colour: pink, purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Cichorium intybus (chicory)

A perennial with wiry, branching upright stems with numerous blue flowers distributed along the branches, growing tight to the stem. They open in sunlight, but close in wet weather. Long flowering season throughout summer

Colour: blue  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Cyperus rotundus (nutgrass)

Cyperus can be annuals or evergreen, rhizomatous perennials, with linear, grass-like leaves and terminal clusters of small greenish flower-spikes with spreading leaf-like bracts beneath

Colour: green  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Datisca cannabina (Cretan hemp)

A tall, clump-forming herbaceous perennial, with upright stems and long, hanging tassels of tiny greenish-white flowers in summer

Colour: white, green  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1.5–2.5m

Dianthus carthusianorum (German pink)

Easy to Grow

An evergreen perennial with linear, dark green leaves and reddish magenta flowers which form rather dense terminal clusters throughout the summer

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Dierama pulcherrimum (angel's fishing rod)

A perennial forming a clump of long, narrow, evergreen leaves, with tall, arching stems bearing nodding, bell-shaped, rosy-purple flowers in summer

Colour: rosy-purple  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Digitalis ferruginea (rusty foxglove)

Easy to Grow

A perennial forming a rosette of dark green leaves, with tall racemes of tubular, bell-shaped, yellow-brown flowers in summer

Colour: yellow, brown  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Digitalis grandiflora (large yellow foxglove)

A clump-forming perennial with dark, evergreen foliage and erect spires of tubular, creamy-yellow flowers 4-5cm in length

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade, full shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Digitalis parviflora Jacq. (small-flowered foxglove)

A slender perennial, with downy, lance-shaped leaves in a basal rosette, and tubular, brownish-red flowers, with darker veining, in early summer

Colour: red, brown  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade, full shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Echinacea pallida (pale purple coneflower)

A tallish coneflower, to 1.2m with distinctive pale pink flowers. The rays are long and linear, reflexed to droop down from the tall orange-brown cone

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Echinacea purpurea (purple coneflower)

An upright perennial with lance-shaped leaves and solitary flowerheads with slightly reflexed purple rays and brown central disc

Colour: Purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Eryngium planum (blue eryngo)

A robust perennial forming a clump of rounded basal leaves; erect, branched stems bear deeply-lobed, blue-tinged, spiny leaves and small, blue, terminal flowerheads with narrow, spiny bracts 2.5cm long in summer and early autumn

Colour: blue, green  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Erysimum cheiri (common wallflower)

Easy to Grow

A short-lived, evergreen perennial grown as a biennial, with narrow, dark-green foliage and four-petalled, sweetly-scented, bright yellow-orange flowers produced in short spikes in spring. Cultivars are available in a wide range of colours from cream to dark red

Colour: yellow-orange  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Ferula communis (giant fennel)

A robust perennial with large leaves divided into many slender segments, and branched stems bearing many rounded umbels of small yellow flowers in early summer

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 2.5-4m

Foeniculum vulgare (common fennel)

Easy to Grow

A robust, upright, aromatic biennial or short-lived perennial, with 3-4 pinnate leaves with hair-like segments, and flat umbels of small yellow flowers in summer; both leaves and fruits are aniseed-scented

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Francoa ramosa (bridal wreath)

Easy to Grow

An evergreen perennial to 90cm high with scallop-edged, lance-shaped leaves and, in summer, upright, branching wands of pink-flushed white flowers spotted and streaked with reddish-pink marks

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Gillenia trifoliata (Bowman's root)

A rhizomatous perennial with reddish stems bearing small, 3-lobed leaves and open sprays of starry white flowers 3–4cm in width, with contrasting red calyces. Prefers acid or neutral soil

Colour: white, red  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: 0.5–1m

Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis (Yunnan liquorice)

An upright herbaceous perennial with long leaves which have from 7 to 15 leaflets. Small lavender-coloured flowers in early summer are followed by attractive spiky seedheads which last throughout the winter and change colour from green to purple to brown

Colour: lilac  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Haplocarpha scaposa (false gerbera)

A fast-growing perennial that forms a mat of hairy leaves, giving the plant a white, wooly appearance. The thick rootstocks can reach a depth of 60cm. The solitary yellow flowers are borne on long spikes

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5m

Helleborus × hybridus (hybrid Lenten rose)

A semi-evergreen perennial with glossy dark green leaves, bearing bowl-shaped flowers in early spring in a range of colours, including white, pink, green, yellow, and purple, sometimes spotted within. Prefers alkaline or neutral soil

Colour: various  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.1-0.5

Hesperis matronalis (dame's violet)

Easy to Grow

A rosette-forming biennial, or short-lived perennial, with loose clusters of white or pale to mid-purple scented flowers in late spring and early summer. Prefers alkaline or neutral soil

Colour: white or purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Hosta sieboldiana (Siebold's plantain lily)

A large, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial. Foliage is broad, ovate and blue-green with prominent veining and a wavy edge. White, bell-shaped flowers appear during summer

Colour: green, white  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Hydrangea bifida (two-lobed false hydrangea)

With deep green, roughly textured leaves. In late summer, white flowers with a greenish tinge are borne in loose clusters. Ideal for a damp, woodland garden

Colour: white, green  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Hyssopus officinalis (hyssop)

A compact, spreading, semi-evergreen sub-shrub with erect shoots bearing aromatic, linear leaves and terminal spikes of whorled, 2-lipped, tubular blue flowers in summer and early autumn

Colour: blue  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Iris sibirica (Siberian flag)

A rhizomatous perennial with narrow grassy foliage and branched stems bearing up to 5 violet-blue flowers in early summer, the falls veined purple on white at the base

Colour: blue  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Kirengeshoma palmata (yellow wax-bells)

An herbaceous perennial forming a clump to 1.2m, with palmately lobed leaves and dark maroon stems bearing nodding, fleshy, narrowly bell-shaped creamy-yellow flowers to 3.5cm in length in open panicles

Colour: creamy-yellow  
Sunlight: Full shade, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Kniphofia mixed (red-hot-poker))

Colourful and exotic-looking, red-hot pokers flower over many months and make spectacular garden plants. They do well in coastal gardens and can be very long-lived.

Colour: yellow, orange, red  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-2m

Libertia chilensis (New Zealand satin flower)

An evergreen perennial forming a large clump of erect, linear leaves, with clusters of white flowers borne on stiff stems in late spring and early summer

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Limonium platyphyllum (broad-leaved statice)

A clump-forming perennial to 60cm tall, forming rosettes of large, broadly spoon-shaped, mid to dark green leaves, and bearing branched, wiry sprays of tiny flowers with silvery calyx-tubes and deep lavender-blue petals in late summer

Colour: purple, white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Lobelia × speciosa (hybrid Cardinal flower)

An upright perennial, with red-tinged dark green leaves and long terminal racemes of tubular, deep violet-purple or red flowers in late summer and early autumn

Colour: purple or red  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Lunaria rediviva (perennial honesty)

A clump-forming perennial with heart-shaped leaves, bearing loose racemes of fragrant, lilac-white flowers in late spring and early summer, followed by elliptic decorative seed pods. Prefers alkaline or neutral soil

Colour: white, lilac  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Luzula nivea (snow rush)

A slowly spreading evergreen perennial forming a loose clump of narrow, dark green leaves to 30cm long, with lax clusters of small, shiny white flowers in early and midsummer

Colour: green  
Sunlight: Full shade, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Lysimachia ephemerum (willow-leaved loosestrife)

A herbaceous perennial, forming a clump of erect stems clad in narrow, grey-green leaves, with small, starry white flowers in long, slender terminal racemes in early summer. Prefers a moist soil

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife)

A robust herbaceous perennial with upright stems, with willowy leaves, and small purplish-pink flowers in dense terminal spikes over a long period in summer

Colour: purple, pink  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Maianthemum racemosum (false spikenard)

A herbaceous perennial to 75cm, the arching stems with broad-elliptic leaves and fluffy terminal panicles of fragrant creamy-white flowers, sometimes followed by reddish berries. Yellow autumn colour

Colour: green, red  
Sunlight: Full shade, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Malva moschata (musk mallow)

An erect woody-based perennial to 90cm tall, with slightly musk scented, rounded basal and deeply fingered stem-leaves. Pale pink, bowl-shaped flowers up to 6cm wide, are borne in the upper leaf axils in summer and early autumn

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Papaver atlanticum (Atlas poppy)

A clump-forming, short-lived perennial, growing to 50cm tall, with rosettes of grey-green, hairy, elliptical, toothed leaves to 15cm long. Saucer-shaped, dull orange flowers, up to 6cm across, are borne on upright, hairy stems from late spring into autumn

Colour: orange  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Phlomis russeliana (Turkish sage)

A hairy perennial, with large, ovate, rough-textured grey-green leaves. Stout stems bear whorls of hooded, soft yellow flowers 3cm in length in summer

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Potentilla recta var. sulphurea (sulphur cinquefoil)

A clump-forming perennial with grey-green hairy leaves and saucer-shaped pale yellow flowers from early summer

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Potentilla thurberi 'Monarch's Velvet' (scarlet cinquefoil 'Monarch's Velvet')

A clump-forming perennial to 50cm in height, with bright green, five-fingered leaves. The prolific, saucer-shaped flowers, 2.5cm across, are deep raspberry pink with very dark centres, and appear all summer

Colour: dark pink  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Primula Candelabra hybrids (primrose Candelabra hybrids)

Herbaceous perennials, forming a basal rosette of simple leaves, with whorls of flowers carried on an erect stem. Flowers are varying in colour, from pink, yellow, peach and purple. Prefers acid or neutral soil

Colour: various  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: 1m

Primula florindae (Tibetan cowslip)

A herbaceous perennial to 1.2m, with long-stalked, broad ovate leaves to 20cm in length. Stout, erect stems carry large terminal umbels of nodding, fragrant bright yellow flowers, white-mealy within

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Primula pulverulenta (mealy primrose)

A robust herbaceous perennial to 90cm, with a rosette of large, oblong or obovate leaves and upright, white-mealy stems bearing reddish-purple flowers 2.5cm in width in several whorls

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Pulsatilla vulgaris (pasqueflower)

A perennial to 20cm, forming a clump of finely dissected basal leaves, silky when young. Flowers 5-9cm in width, erect or nodding, violet, followed by silky fruiting heads

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Rodgersia pinnata (featherleaf rodgersia)

A large deciduous perennial forming a spreading clump of large, more or less pinnately divided leaves, with erect, conical sprays of cream or pink flowers in summer

Colour: cream, pink  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Rudbeckia californica (California coneflower)

Easy to Grow

A bushy, clump-forming herbaceous perennial with lance-shaped green leaves. Produces large, daisy-like flowerheads to 13cm across, with a prominent yellow-green central cone that turns brown as the flowers mature, and spreading yellow petals that become reflexed. Flowers are held singly on tall stems from mid to late summer

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Rudbeckia maxima (great coneflower)

Easy to Grow

A tall herbaceous perennial producing a mound of large, smooth, blue-grey leaves. The flowering stems rise to 1.5m, carrying yellow-petalled daisy flowers with central dark brown to black cones from midsummer to mid-autumn

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Rumex scutatus (French sorrel)

A low-growing perennial with a creeping habit and spear-shaped grey-green leaves. Small greenish-red flowers are produced in summer, but the plant is usually grown for its edible leaves which can be cut for salads

Colour: green, red  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Salvia forskaehlei (indigo woodland sage)

A bushy perennial to 90cm tall, with lyre-shaped or ovate leaves to 30cm long, and long spikes of violet flowers with white tubes, opening in summer and early autumn

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Salvia nemorosa (Balkan clary)

Easy to Grow

A perennial with upright racemes of violet-purple flowers through the summer above narrow, rough, grey-green leaves.

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Salvia verbenaca (wild sage)

Easy to Grow

A mound forming perennial with mid-green coarse textured foliage and slender spikes with whorls of violet-blue lipped flowers in summer found in wild meadows.

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Sanguisorba canadensis (white burnet)

A clump-forming perennial with pinnate leaves composed of narrowly oblong leaflets, and bottlebrush-like white flower spikes in summer and early autumn

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Scabiosa columbaria subsp. ochroleuca (pale yellow scabious)

A clump-forming herbaceous perennial of dainty character. Leaves are narrow, oval, toothed and grey-green. In summer it bears branching, wiry stems of many pale yellow flowers in the typical petalled, pincushion style of this genus

Colour: pale yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Scabiosa cretica (Cretian pincushion flower)

A mound-shaped perennial bearing large, flat, lilac-coloured flowers, up to 3cm across, from May through to July above silvery-green foliage. Has attractive seed heads.

Colour: lilac  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Silene chalcedonica (Maltese cross)

Easy to Grow

An erect herbaceous perennial with oval leaves and small, bright vermilion flowers in compact, domed heads 10–12cm in width

Colour: red  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Silene coronaria (rose campion)

Easy to Grow

A short-lived perennial or biennial with silvery-grey felted leaves and sprays of long-stalked magenta flowers in summer

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Silene dioica (red campion)

Easy to Grow

A clump-forming, semi-evergreen perennial, with long dark green leaves and clusters of rose pink flowers with notched petals from late spring. Prefers an alkaline to neutral soil

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Silene flos-cuculi (ragged robin)

A slender spreading or upright perennial about 75cm tall, with branched stems bearing opposite, lance-shaped leaves and, in late spring and early summer, terminal clusters of star-shaped pale to deep rose-pink flowers, each petal deeply cut into 4 narrow segments

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Sisyrinchium striatum (pale yellow-eyed grass)

Easy to Grow

A clump-forming perennial, to 80cm tall, with fans of grey-green, narrow, linear to lance-shaped leaves. In summer, stiff, upright stems carry clusters of pale yellow, star-shaped flowers along their length

Colour: cream, yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Stachys byzantina (lamb's ear)

A carpeting, evergreen perennial, with thick, soft, densely white-woolly leaves and stems. Basal leaves in a rosette, with erect flowering stems bearing whorls of purplish or pink flowers in summer

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.1-0.5m

Tellima grandiflora (fringe cups)

Easy to Grow

A compact perennial forming a clump of rounded leaves, with erect racemes of small, cream, sometimes fragrant, flowers in late spring and early summer; flowers often fade to light red

Colour: cream  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade, full shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Teucrium hircanicum (Caucasian germander)

Easy to Grow

A clump-forming, evergreen perennial, with coarse, sage-like foliage. Spikes of dusky purple-red flowers are produced from mid-to-late summer

Colour: red, purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Thalictrum morisonii subsp. mediterraneum (Mediterranean Morison's meadow rue)

Thalictrum can be rhizomatous or tuberous perennials with ternately or pinnately divided, often attractive foliage, and panicles or racemes of small flowers with showy stamens and sometimes large colourful petal-like sepals

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Thalictrum rochebruneanum (lavender mist meadow rue)

An upright, clump-forming, rhizomatous perennial to about 90cm with highly divided leaves composed of many small leaflets. Loose sprays of small, lavender-pink or white flowers with hanging, yellow stamens are produced in summer

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: semi-shade  
Height: 0.5-1m

Trifolium rubens (ruddy clover)

A herbaceous perennial with blue-green leaves covered in soft hairs, with attractive reddish-purple conical flowerheads, opening from silvery buds in the summer

Colour: red  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Valeriana officinalis (common valerian)

Easy to Grow

An upright herbaceous perennial to 1.5m tall, with curiously scented pinnate leaves and rounded clusters of small pink or white flowers in summer

Colour: white, pink  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Verbascum chaixii (nettle-leaved mullein)

Easy to Grow

A rosette-forming perennial with grey, hairy leaves and dense white-woolly stems. Saucer-shaped, white flowers, with purple filament hairs are borne in panicles from mid-to-late summer. Prefers alkaline soil

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Verbascum olympicum (Olympian mullein)

a short-lived perennial, usually dying after flowering, with grey-woolly stems and leaves, and panicles to 2m in height, with yellow flowers in summer

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Verbena bonariensis (purple top)

A tall perennial with erect, branching stems, bearing sparse, oblong leaves and large branched clusters of small, purple flowers from summer to autumn

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Verbena hastata f. rosea (pink-flowered blue vervain)

An upright, clump-forming perennial with narrow leaves up to 15cm long. Spikes of small, violet-blue to pinkish-purple flowers are carried on tall, branched, candelabra-like stems from early summer to early autumn

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 0.5-1m

Veronica longifolia (garden speedwell)

An upright herbaceous perennial to 1.2m with narrow leaves in pairs or threes up the stem and densely packed spikes of tiny, tubular, purplish-blue flowers in late summer and early autumn

Colour: blue  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Veronicastrum virginicum f. roseum (rosy Culver's root)

An upright perennial to 1.5m tall, with whorls of lance-shaped, toothed leaves and dense, slender, branched spikes of small light pink flowers in summer and early autumn

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Trees and shrubs

Akebia quinata (chocolate vine)

Semi-evergreen climber about 10m tall, with rounded dark green leaves, blue-green below, composed of five leaflets and tinted purple in winter. Fragrant reddish-purple flowers, in racemes 12cm long, produced in early spring are sometimes followed by purple sausage-shaped fruits to 10cm in length

Colour: burgundy  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 8-12m
Sold out

Amorpha fruticosa (bastard indigo)

A vigorous deciduous shrub of spreading habit, with leaves composed of up to 30 oval leaflets, and slender racemes to 15cm in length, of deep purple flowers with orange anthers

Colour: purple  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 2.5-4m

Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis (Chinese red birch)

A medium-sized, deciduous tree to 25m, conical in outline, with orange-brown bark, white-bloomed when young and peeling to reveal a cream underlayer. Foliage is glossy, dark green, turning yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins, 6cm long, open with the leaves in spring

Colour: orange-brown  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: Over 12m

Bupleurum fruticosum (shrubby hare's ear)

Easy to Grow

A spreading, evergreen shrub to 2m tall, with long, slender stems bearing blue-green leaves to 8cm long, and domed clusters of tiny yellow flowers to 4cm across, in summer and early autumn

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1.5-2.5m

Callistemon subulatus (dwarf bottlebrush)

An evergreen shrub with aromatic, linear to lance-shaped leaves and bottlebrush-like spikes of flowers in which the long colourful stamens are prominent

Colour: red  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 2m

Catalpa bignonioides (Indian bean tree)

A spreading medium-sized deciduous tree, with pale green, broad-ovate leaves to 25cm in length. Flowers 3-4cm in width, white, marked with orange and purple, in conical panicles. Fruit a slender bean-like pod

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: Over 12m

Cladrastis kentukea (Kentucky yellow-wood)

A spreading tree with bright, light green leaves to 30cm long composed of 7-9 ovate leaflets, turning clear yellow in autumn. Pendent panicles of fragrant white flowers to 3cm long are borne in late spring and early summer.

Colour: yellow, white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 8-12m

Cordyline australis (cabbage palm)

A palm-like evergreen shrub with a stout stem and rosettes of linear, leathery leaves, and terminal panicles of fragrant, cup-shaped flowers followed by small, spherical berries

Colour: green  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 4-8m

Cupressus arizonica var. glabra (smooth-barked Arizona cypress)

A narrowly flame-shaped evergreen conifer with vivid whitish-blue foliage in dense sprays

Colour: whiteish-blue  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: Over 12m

Decaisnea fargesii (blue bean shrub)

A very large, deciduous shrub with bold, divided leaves up to 90cm long which are tinged with blue in spring, and turn clear yellow in autumn. Long sprays of insignificant, greenish flowers are followed in autumn by metallic-looking, grey-blue, bean-like pods up to 10cm long

Colour: blue, yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 4-8m

Euphorbia × pasteurii (Pasteur spurge)

An architectural, evergreen shrub to around 1m tall and 1.75m across. The foliage is yellow-green with a pale midrib. Honey-scented, yellow-green flowers are produced from late spring to late summer

Colour: yellow, green  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 1-1.5m

Halesia carolina (Carolina silverbell)

A deciduous tree or shrub suitable for a woodland garden or shrub border. Pendent clusters of white, bell-shaped flowers in spring, followed by green, four-winged fruits in autumn. Mid-green ovate leaves turn yellow in autumn.

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 4-8m

Hibiscus syriacus (rose of Sharon)

A vigorous upright shrub with deciduous, three-lobed green leaves, and single pink, purple or white flowers, 8–10cm across, from midsummer to early autumn. Prefers a neutral, humus-rich soil in a warm position to encourage flowering

Colour: pink, purple, white  
Sunlight: Full sun  
Height: 2.5-4m

Hydrangea paniculata (panicled hydrangea)

A deciduous woody plant with toothed leaves and showy, pinkish-white flowerheads in large, conical panicles, produced in late summer and early autumn

Colour: pink, white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 2.5–4m

Hypericum choisianum (Choisy's St John's wort)

A semi-evergreen shrub to 1.5m tall, with slender, arching stems bearing broadly lance-shaped, leathery leaves, purple-tinged when young. From midsummer to early autumn it produces cup-shaped, yellow flowers to 4cm across

Colour: yellow  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1-1.5m

Kolkwitzia amabilis (beauty bush)

A deciduous, arching, suckering, dense shrub, to 3m tall, with flaking bark and oval leaves up to 7cm long. A profusion of bell-shaped, soft pink to white, flowers with yellow throats is borne from late spring to early summer. The flower calyces and stalks are conspicuously hairy

Colour: pink, white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 2.5-4m

Liriodendron tulipifera (tulip tree)

A vigorous large, deciduous tree with distinctively shaped leaves turning butter-yellow in autumn. Flowers are 4cm in length, tulip-shaped, yellowish-green, marked with orange within. Prefers acid or neutral soil

Colour: yellow, green, orange  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: Over 12m

Rhododendron loderi Group (rhododendron Loderi Group)

A large evergreen shrub with long leaves and trusses of lily-shaped, scented flowers

Colour: pink  
Sunlight: Semi-shade  
Height: 2.5-4m

Staphylea pinnata (common bladdernut)

A very large, upright shrub, to 5m in height and spread, with dark green leaves. Long, hanging clusters of fragrant, bell-shaped, white flowers tinged with pink, appear in late spring and early summer followed by pale green, inflated fruit

Colour: white  
Sunlight: full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 4-8m

Trachycarpus fortunei (Chusan palm)

An evergreen palm forming a small tree with a stout, fibre-covered trunk bearing a terminal tuft of deeply divided, fan-shaped dark green leaves to 1m in width, and large arching sprays of small, light yellow flowers

Colour: green  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: Over 12m

Trochodendron aralioides (wheel tree)

A slow-growing shrub to 3m. It has aromatic bark, spirally arranged and evergreen, glossy leaves up to 12cm long, with scalloped margins. In late spring and early summer it produces racemes of bright green flowers, 2cm across, which have no petals but numerous stamens radiating from central green discs

Colour: green  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 4-8m

Viburnum betulifolium (birchleaf viburnum)

A deciduous shrub with glossy, dark green, birch-like leaves and domed clusters of small, white flowers in spring, followed by heavy bunches of glistening, red berries in autumn

Colour: white  
Sunlight: Full sun, semi-shade  
Height: 1.5-2.5m